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Ultimate Guide To Starting Your NonProfit Organization

Starting a nonprofit organization is a great way to serve your community and make a positive impact. However, creating a nonprofit corporation is not always an easy task, especially if it’s your first time. Here's an ultimate guide to building your nonprofit organization —from building a solid foundation, filing the right forms and getting incorporated to setting your nonprofit up for success.

Course Content:

I. Welcome

  • Overview

II. Building a Solid Foundation

  • Create a Business Plan
  • Develop a List of Board of Directors
  • Establish Your Non-Profit ByLaws
  • Get Your Conflict of Interest Ready

III. Legalize Your Organization 

  • Private or Public Organization: Which is better?
  • File Articles of Incorporation
  • Apply for EIN
  • Apply for Federal and State Tax Exemptions

VI. Resources

  • Start-up Guide Checklist